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What is Family Arbitration?

Institute of Family Law Arbitrators definition: "Arbitration is a form of dispute resolution. The parties enter into an agreement under which they appoint a suitably qualified person (an “arbitrator”) to adjudicate a dispute and make an award."

Family & Children Arbitrators

Family & Children Arbitrators

The team is made up of senior family law barristers, two of whom sit as Deputy District Judges. Each are members of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and the Institute of Family Law Arbitrators Panel.

Why Arbitration in Family & Children Cases

Why Arbitration in Family & Children Cases

The Institute of Family Law Arbitrators (IFLA) Scheme has rapidly become recognised as providing wide-ranging advantages in terms of speed, flexibility, cost transparency and savings and confidentiality.

Family & Property Arbitration

Family & Property Arbitration

Arbitration can be used to resolve a wide range of disputes including financial provision on divorce, judicial separation, breakdown of Civil partnership and co-habitation, as well as issues relating to a deceased’s estate.

Arbitration Law in Children Cases

Arbitration Law in Children Cases

Arbitrations help parties to resolve family disputes about children as well as finances following a split without having to go to court. Arbitration can be used to resolve the whole or part of the dispute.

Family & Children Arbitration


In this section you will find helpful Family and Children Arbitration resources. 

Find out more about Family and Children Arbitration

Get in touch for a free, no obligation discussion about how arbitration can be a quick, cost effective and confidential way of resolving disputes, including options to deal with cases remotely by video conference.